How to Hang a Gallery Wall


A gallery wall lets you tell your story through a curated collection of art. Whether you want to hang photographs or a collection of your favourite art, there are a few layout hacks that will make this process a breeze. We’ve pulled together a few tips to help you hang a gallery wall like a pro.

Design Tips

Determine which layout to use before you get started.

Mock up the placement on the ground. Start with the largest pieces first, then fill in the space with smaller pieces.

When hanging, treat multiple pieces as one. Keep them at eye level, roughly 60° from the center of the grouping to the floor.

Use matching frames for a modern, cohesive look or mix and match frame styles for an eclectic look.


How low can you go


This question is one of the most contested in home design! Here’s our take. If your gallery wall will hang above a piece of furniture, plan for the bottom of your lowest frame to hang 5-8 inches above the top of your furniture. If your gallery wall is hanging on an empty wall, aim for the center of your whole arrangement to hang about 57 inches above the floor.


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